Simple Wellness Rituals for 2019

Greetings, Embody Yoga readers and Welcome to our first Blog Post!

Below, Embody Yoga Founder, Jessica Clark, gives some of her best tips for living your best & healthiest life in 2019 through some easy to follow Wellness Rituals!

1) Meditate Daily - for me this is non-negotiable. There is a marked difference in my happiness, clarity of mind, psychic abilities, & performance on every level when I wake up early enough to work in even 15 minutes of meditation a day. 30 , 45 minutes or even an hour - even better!

2) Drinking PLENTY of filtered, distilled non-fluoridated water. So many studies have shown now that not only drinking purified & distilled waters are better for our health, but drinking fluoridated water calcifies our pineal gland, responsible for our sixth sense, or what allows us to make intuitive decisions without anxiety or mental fog - a much needed change that is fairly simple to execute & yet can make an extremely powerful difference in most modern day peoples’ lives. On top of the quality of our water, the amount is also important too. It depends on your body weight, but in general, most people do really well with 8 oz of water every 2 hours while awake.

3) Getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep, depending on your body. This is also often neglected in our every day life, but is super important for mental function and basic body repair. Each person is different so I recommend keeping a sleep journal for at least a month and then reflect on how you felt physically, mentally and emotionally on different amounts (and times!) of sleep. It’s important not to have judgement or allow judgment upon ourselves for needing less or more sleep than someone you know, a partner, or family member and that you pick the amount of hours and time of day that clearly works the best for YOU.

4) This should come as no surprise, but…a daily yoga practice!! Even 20 minutes a day will do more good for the body than going just once a week for 60-90 minutes, although I do recommend getting in at least 2-3 60-90 minute practices a week for optimal health.

5) Eating a clean, natural, anti-inflammatory diet, including lots of healing herbs (Ayurvedic & cannabis where needed included)…Stay tuned into the Embody Yoga Newsletter for more info on how to eat cleaner & healthier in the New Year!

Many Blessings, Namaste & Good Luck!

Jessica Clark